Organizations invest heavily in R&D to strengthen the continuous improvement process for their products and differentiate better by providing additional product features. Hardware design is all about combining microcontroller/microprocessor, PCB, input devices (Power semiconductor etc.) and other electronic components in the most efficient way to get the desired output. It takes painstaking efforts and plays a very important role in each stage of product design, right from its conceptualization phase to prototype design to production-ready design.

PPSL, a company, has designed and developed 200+ products by leveraging its 15+ years of experience in end-to-end product design engineering services. With a very strong ecosystem of partners, PPSL is uniquely qualified to provide best-in-class hardware design engineering services in the field of Power Domain to its clients from different industry segments such as Industrial electronics, traction and defence, Green Energy, ESS and BMS and many more.

PPSL helps its customers in managing risk and mitigating obsolescence through supply chain, manufacturing, and managed service offerings. We provide advanced manufacturing services including industrial design, design for manufacturing, design for assembly, Rapid prototyping, layout, design for testing, packaging and order fulfillment. We also provide hardware validation testing, environmental and reliability testing services.